Multi-Dimensional Design & Proximity Rank tools
When you have the matrix displayed, you can change the range of text displayed to make the matrix larger or smaller (usually you make it larger). The bottom portion of the graphic below (shown at 80% size) allows you to explore the multi-dimensional design aspects of the Bible code with a single click. We've discovered that there is an optimal display for each matrix, and it varies by row-splitting from 1 to about 7. BC2000 allows you to row-split the matrix from to 2 to 9, and visually see the results quickly. You'll probably need to read about this multi-dimensional design aspect, but let's just say that it has enabled far better research results. It's a powerful tool, and only built into one other codes program besides Bible Codes 2000.
One need for users is to gauge the significance of what they find in a matrix. The proximity tool allows you to calculate that significance. When you have related word-pairs, they should be close together to be meaningful. For example, a matrix on a person looking for the college they attend is a word-pair, let's say, Purdue University. You find Purdue and University, and want to see if they are close enough to be meaningful. If they cross or are very closely parallel, then you can visually see that it is significant. The proximity tool allows you to get five rankings based on distance between terms, from excellent to poor.