Statistical Calculations and Codes Found

After you've entered a term for the initial search using the "know no Hebrew" bilingual dictionaries, then just click on the "calculate statistics button" and the screen below opens. It shows total letters, plus the number of each individual letter in the text, along with number of words and verses in the text range. Most important, it calculates the expected occurrences so that you can compare expected versus actual occurrences.

After a search is complete, the Display Codes Found screen opens, showing your finds. The box in the lower right corner of the screen shows expected occurrences, found occurrences, standard deviation, and the odds. Notice the wealth of information about each find displayed. In the background, the highlighted finds are marked in red letters in the Hebrew text, allowing you to quickly view the verse for each letter of the term found. (since the Hebrew and English texts are synchronized, you can read the verse in English which contains the Hebrew letter of the term). (window below shown at 80% size).
BC2000 matches the additional codes to the Key Term (main term) in the initial search. The drop down legend shows how many of each term was found in both English and Hebrew. When you highlight one of the finds of the main term, further down the window, it tells how many of the additional codes are found in close proximity to that occurrence of the main term, thus keying you in to the best matrix to look at. A wonderful tool that cuts hours off the codes process.

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