Multi-Dimensional Design Aspects of the Bible Code
Part 2 application in CodeFinder: Millennium Edition
by Roy A. Reinhold

The whole purpose in applying the multi-dimensional aspects, of Bible code matrices using row-splits, is to find the optimal matrix. The optimal matrix will have the maximum number of expected terms and display them better. Sometimes, researchers use a sub-optimal matrix to show a more compact grouping, but with fewer terms. This is not a better matrix, but it does seem to impress those who have an false idea about the Bible code being a few terms tightly clumped together. That's OK, but I'd rather look for the optimal matrix.

Using the row-split function in CodeFinder: Millennium Edition is very easy. You can apply it in the initial search by selecting "auto" row-split before beginning a search, which forces CodeFinder to automatically look at all row-splits for each occurrence of the main term and pick the best one for you. Or you can "disable" the row-split in the initial search, which forces CodeFinder to use a row-split of 1.

Graphic 1 shows how to select the row-split setting under the Options menu. In this case, a manual row-split of 4 has been selected. This divides the main term by 4 and rematches all terms to the new matrix view.

I like setting row-splits to disable for the initial search. This won't give me the optimal display, but does enable me to later select automatic row-split and see the improvement. After you've done a search, selecting "auto" row-split does not require a new search.

Many CodeFinder users prefer setting the row-split to "auto" before conducting the initial search. This guarantees that the matched results will be maximized. However, "auto" does not guarantee the optimal matrix, since manually looking at each setting sometimes shows a better looking matrix than achieved automatically.

Experience will help you decide your preferred methodology. The goal is still to get the optimal matrix display with minimal work, a laudable goal.

CodeFinder: Millennium Edition allows all row-splits from 2-7. If the original ELS of the main term is not evenly divisible by the 2-7 splits, the program will show the main term slightly diagonal. The following graphic shows a diagonal main term with a row split of 3.

The terms in this matrix segment are Einstein, Albert, and scientist.



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