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There are many people who are confused about the proof for a literal end-times 7 year period. Martin Luther laid down the correct hermeneutics methodology for viewing scriptures hundreds of years ago, and all seminaries teach the process. We first view any scripture at face value, with a literal exegesis (explanation). This method applies to all scripture, including prophecies. In doing this, we recognize there are often figurative symbols embedded within a literal storyline of prophecy. The error common among many, is to view all prophecy as figurative or symbolic, which robs the reader of any sensible meaning. It also leads to heresies and gnostic interpretations. Proposal: The Bible teaches a literal 7 year end-times period that is apparent to any person who takes the time to connect the dots. First, let me outline the 7 year period in a synopsis for you, and then you can clearly see it as each piece of evidence is added. The seven year end-times period begins with the peace treaty of prophecy (called the covenant with death). The peace treaty will be between Israel and the surrounding nations, brokered by international powers. Israel will give away land in exchange for an internationally guaranteed peace. Half of Jerusalem will be given away. In exchange, Israel will be given half of the Temple Mount on which to build a Temple, unobstructed by Moslems. The evidence is that a wall will be built just north of the Dome of the Rock, separating the Temple Mount into a Jewish section and a Moslem section. In the middle of the end-times 7 year period, a person called the beast (antichrist) will forcibly stop the literal sacrifices and grain offerings taking place at the Jewish Temple. He will falsely declare himself to be God on earth and demand worship. This is the abomination of desolation. At the end of the 7-year period, Yeshua (Jesus) will return to reign on the earth with the armies of heaven. He will subdue all armies and governments. He will touch down on the Mount of Olives, cross the Kidron Valley, and enter the Temple Mount through the now-closed Eastern Gate. He will enter the Jewish Temple and take His seat. All eyes will see Him, it will not be some sort of invisible appearance. That's the outline of the end-times 7 year period in a nutshell. Below is a graphic showing the sequence of events.
Of course one points to Daniel 9:27 as a starting point for reference, but that is only one little verse.
The week is a week of years. At the beginning, one person brokers a peace treaty, and that person later stops the sacrifices and grain offerings. Then comes another person who makes an abomination of desolation at the Temple. Finally, a complete destruction is decreed to be poured out on the second person who performed the abomination of desolation. Straightforward, simple, and easy to understand; but if Daniel 9:27 were all we had, then it wouldn't constitute enough evidence to convince most people. Let's go on and look at corroborating evidence. In Daniel 12:11, it states specifically that from the abomination of desolation, there will be 1290 days. The 1290 days is when Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah will come to reign on the earth.
Clearly, the above verse corroborates a piece of
the outline from Daniel 9:27. We are told that the sacrifices will be stopped
and that an abomination of desolation will be performed. However, we are
also told an important new piece of information, namely, that there would
be 1290 days from the abomination of desolation until a certain event. In
the context of the chapter, Daniel 12, the 1290 days is the arrival of the
Messiah to rescue Israel. The 1290 days from the abomination of desolation
is what Christians call the Second Coming, and the Jewish people call it
the First Coming. In the Olivet Discourse, Yeshua (Jesus) sat down with Peter, James, John, and Andrew, and explained the end-times period. In it, He spoke of the abomination of desolation occurring, and then the last half of the 7 year period would begin with the Great Tribulation period.
While the Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed in
70 AD, that was not the fulfillment of these verses (as the preterists and
historicists claim). The sequence of the prophetic events from Daniel 9:12
and Daniel 12 is that a peace treaty would have to be struck 3.5 years before
the abomination of desolation. Then the sacrifices are stopped, and the
abomination of desolation performed in the Temple takes place where a person
declares himself falsely to be God in the holy place of the Temple. Only
after those events do the armies surround Jerusalem. Then exactly 1290 days
later the Messiah comes visibly to reign on the earth. 45 days after the
Second Coming, all the people of the earth are judged. During the 45 days,
all governments and armies on earth are defeated and subdued. Let's go on with our proofs of the 7 year period. In Rev 12:6, Israel (the woman, here is one of those figurative symbols within a literal timeline) flees into the wilderness for 1260 days, persecuted by the world system under the antichrist, a minion of satan.
The first thing to notice is that verses 6 & 14 tell the same thing, but the timeframe is defined differently. 1260 days = time , times, and half a time = 3.5 (years). This is the same exact thing mentioned in Daniel 12:7, except that Daniel 7 calls them the holy people, Israel. The woman in Revelation 12 is Israel. Revelation 12:4-5 amplifies that point, since it states that the woman gives birth to the Messiah, the one who will rule all nations. The woman is not Mary, since in Daniel 12 and elsewhere, the prophecies speak of the Jewish people when it talks about the same exact prophecies. Christians all know that Yeshua (Jesus) was born and lived as a Jew. In Revelation 13:5, we are given an additional corroborating piece of the puzzle.
Revelation 13 tells us the same thing as Revelation 12 and Daniel 12, that the beast (antichrist) has an allotted period of power of 42 months, and he will persecute the Jewish people for that timeframe. He will also persecute the Christians as is shown in Revelation 12:17.
While the evidence is that satan through the antichrist will persecute Christians too for a season, the main point is that the persecution of the Jewish people is for 42 months. Therefore: I suppose that God added these different methods of describing the same timeframe, in order that people wouldn't foolishly say that it is a day for a year and the 1260 days is actually 1260 years. It is described in every possible way, to avoid misunderstanding the point. The 1260 days of allotted power for the antichrist are actually 24-hour days, and equal 42 months, or 3.5 years. Daniel 7 also describes the allotted time of power of the beast (antichrist) and it is the same 3.5 year period.
Here we again have the abomination of desolation mentioned, when the beast will speak out against the Most High by falsely declaring himself to be God. He will be allowed to persecute the Jewish people for a time, times, and half a time (3.5 times = 3.5 years = 1260 days = 42 months).
The only way that someone can not believe this proof, is if they suddenly say they take all prophecy figuratively and don't believe the Bible is literal. The internal proofs for a literal end-times 7 year period are extremely strong, with the last half being 1290 days long. How will you face the facts? |