What Day of the Week Did The Original Passover at the Exodus Occur? NEW July 15, 2010
New 7-page article which explores evidence in the Bible to determine the days of the week for the original Exodus. Important because it adds or removes support for those teaching a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday crucifixion from the NT. PDF file.
Mystery of the Two Harvesting Angels of Revelation 14
Most Bible Commentators have not covered the two Harvesting Angels of Revelation, or in most instances they got it wrong. This new article originated with a Forum discussion where there was no agreement at all concerning this subject. You be surprised at the true meaning of these two Harvesting Angels. The article is in HTML, but if you like to download a printable PDF version, click here.
New vs. Old Covenant: Specifically, How Does Each Impact Man's Spirit, Soul and Body?
By popular request, this new article reveals exactly how the spirit, soul and physical body of humans are affected differently under the Old and New Covenants. It should prove helpful to all believers as well as to anyone interested in learning about the subject of mankind and his relationship to God. [12 page PDF]
Sin Nature of Mankind: Real or Imputed--Creationism or Traduciansim?
New article that pinpoints where the sin nature is in mankind, where it comes from, and how Yeshua (Jesus) was different than the rest of us. Presents a new solution to an argument that has been ongoing for 1800 years. I think you'll find this to be a very interesting article and worth your time. [13 page PDF]
Divine Name of God (YHVH) in the New Testament
A powerful new article showing the divine name of God (YHVH) in the New Testament. I went through the entire Peshitta Aramaic NT and collected all verses where the divine name is used for Yeshua (Jesus). This will astound almost everyone, and is a powerful witness. I think you'll find the article itself interesting too. [9 page PDF]
Nature of God article
New extensive article dispelling some errors concerning the understanding of the nature of God. Direct and to the point, with relevant historical and background information. This article will shock some people, and for others, they'll find their beliefs were largely on target. How do your beliefs stack up against the evidence? [31-page PDF file]
Nature of Man article
Extensive new article that explores the controversy of the nature of man as a tripartite being versus a duality. Explodes the myth of the eternal soul and explains the eternal spirit and heart of man. Introduces the reason for the design of the Tabernacle. [32-page PDF file] You can right-click on the link and save it to your harddrive (save link as, or save target as).
Nature of Man: Part 2 Counter-Arguments
An 8-page PDF article that explores the "supposed" counter-arguments to the Nature of Man article above. It's interesting to explore these counter-arguments and address them directly. Read this after reading the part 1 main article.
Should the USA Go To War With Iraq?
The prophetic words in this article shows what the will of God is in relation to the Iraq question.
How Close
are we to the End-Times 7 Year Period?
Discussion of the most important question everyone asks.
Proof for a Literal 7 Year End-Time Period
Proves that the coming 7 Year period is real and a fact.
The Day of the Lord (Yom
YHWH) Proves this important portion of the end-times
7 year period.
of General George Washington Entire
prophecy from archives, given by an angel to Washington at Valley
A Temple WILL BE BUILT in Jerusalem
Before Messiah Comes Scriptural proofs for the soon to
be built Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It will shake
the world.
The Good Friday Myth,
Jesus Died on a Wednesday, Scriptures Prove! (Part 1) Scriptural proof of Wednesday afternoon crucifixion
of Jesus. great stuff.
was Crucified on a Wednesday (Part 2)
Examines all possible scriptures on the subject.
Events of the Day of the Lord (Yom YHWH) Lays out all the Day of the Lord events from prophecy.
Bible Code Software Comparisons Must read
Unbiased comparison of Hebrew Bible Code software programs. Speed tests, rankings. Click here for PDF version.
World War 3 prophecies through Thomas Gibson & others Includes
modern prophecies about USA & Canada, & impending economic
The Aramaic-English Interlinear NT, book review outstanding
This is a new must read Interlinear translation for all Christians. It answers many textual questions and problems in the Greek NT texts, and is a new fresh translation of the Peshitta Aramaic NT. I give it my highest possible recommendation.
Who Will Be Left Behind and When? book review good book
A wonderful new book (Sept 2002) by Dave Bussard on issues related to the rapture. I highly recommend that people buy this book directly from the publisher, and the page has a link to do that.
The Watchmen's Cry book review excellent book
The new 2nd Edition (June 2007) ably presents the Fall Feasts of Israel as prophecy and how they will be fulfilled in the end-times. Covers all areas of Bible prophecy, but has a unique exegesis of "The Elect". Strong buy endorsement.
NEPHILIM: the Fallen Ones, book review good book
Just out in November 2003, NEPHILIM weaves advanced Bible code findings in an excellent story. Highly recommended.
Ark Code, book review intriguing An intriguing new Bible code book just out April 2004, by Barry Roffman
and seen on the History Channel Bible code special. Barry pioneers a new Bible code method of ELS Maps to locate the site of the Ark of the Covenant. Highly recommended.
St. Malachy's prophecy of
the 112 popes
The "no
one knows the day or hour" controversy
2 Days Equals
2000 Years? Find out when the
2000 years starts and ends, & what occurs! (hint: it concerns
the building of the Temple in Jerusalem).
Greek-Capable Bible Code Programs
Unbiased comparison of code programs in new, unproven, research
Biblical Math Mystery Solution For PI
Greatly Expanded August 1, 2010
The value of PI is shown to be fairly easily calculated when looking at the measurements of the molten basin in 1 Kings 7. This is one the critics and skeptics jump on as being nonsense. The
article shows that the skeptics have no basis for their view. The article was greatly expanded to tackle the controversy of 2000 baths of water in 1 Kings 7:26 versus 3000 baths of water in 2 Chronicles 4:5. Good solution to the apparent discrepancy; only one value is correct.
The Last Supper: Was It A Passover Seder Meal? Part 1
Compelling evidence on this important issue should settle it once and for all.
The Last Supper: Was It A Passover Seder Meal? Part 2
Additional compelling evidence adds to part 1 to arrive at a complete conclusion on the issue.
The Last Supper: What it means, Early Church Practices, and Prophetic Significance Part 3
Part 1 and 2 proved that it was not a seder, and Part 3 shows what it is, the history, the prophetic meaning, and a plan for action.
Exact Date of Yeshua's Birth, Part 1
The Bible code reveals a different date for the birth of Jesus than the traditional December 25, 1 BC.
Bible Code Matrix of Yeshua's Birth, Part 2
Bible code matrix and matrix report of the birth with date.
Angel Announcement to Mary & Conception, Part 3
Bible code matrix and matrix report of the angelic announcement & conception with dates.
Brit Milah at the Temple on the 8th Day, Part 4
Bible code matrix and matrix report for the dedication of the first-born and circumcision on the 8th day with date.
Other Scholarship Proving the Exact Birthdate of Yeshua, Part 5
Dr. Ernest Martin's scholarship supporting the findings from the Bible code. New Flash movie on the Star of Bethlehem.
Rapture Articles
Catches Away Believers (The Rapture)
The great promise to believers and what happens.
The Rapture: part 2
Continuation of part 1 above. These two articles will enlighten
also take a look at Why Rosh Hashanah is the Rapture, under Israel's
Feast Days below.
Israel's Feast Days as Prophecy
Feast Days, the Prophetic Plan of God
One of the most important things on this site. How the 7 feasts
of Israel are prophetic rehearsals, and what they foretell.
Why Rosh Hashanah is
the Rapture proves that the rapture has to occur on Rosh
World War 3 Articles
the Start of World War 3 Why wonder? There is a clear answer to when WW3 starts.
World War 3, Who are the
Players? The nations involved in WW3 on both sides, how
it develops, and who wins.
World War 3 prophecies through
Thomas Gibson & others Includes modern prophecies
about USA & Canada, & impending economic crisis.
Peering Into Heaven Articles
What is Heaven
Like? part 1 These 3 articles convey a message of hope, and why
you need to develop here on earth. Lots of e-mail from people
on these articles.
What is Heaven Like? part 2
More details about heaven, God's throne, and what
everyone does there.
Heaven -- Are Non-Christians
There? Controversial? Yes!! The truth? Yes!! God's mercy
Prophecy Charts & Pictures
On Being A Christian Articles
Antichrist, The Beast to Come: part 1 details about the antichrist and false prophet in a two part article.
Antichrist, The Beast to Come: part 2 more on how to identify the antichrist and false prophet.
Prophecies Through Other
I Saw Russians
Attack the United States by Henry
Entire Set of Prophecies
Through Thomas S. Gibson
Book 1,
Book 2, Book
3, Book 4, Book
5, Book 6
Book 7, Book 8, Book
9, Book 10, Book
11 (newest) |