To The Bible, #2 ranked in world. We
only sell Keys to the Bible as a Download in order to save
customers money and provide fast delivery and the latest
a Download. (using Paypal purchase method).
To The Bible builds on the base level of Bible Codes Plus/2000
and adds lots of new desirable features. It's
the #2 ranked codes program in the world
just behind CodeFinder. This premium codes program has accurate
automatic statistics for matrix odds, an excellent gematria
engine with 8 methods, automatically generated matrix report,
mirrored matrix, plus full Rashi commentary verse by verse,
Bible chronology, 613 commandments of Maimonides and much more.
Use it to search the Bible code for your name, and
past/present/future events. It's also an excellent gematria
investigation tool, and the program concordances, commentary and
other features are great Bible study aids. For a PC with Windows
98 , XP, Vista and Win 7&8.
Download Version Now using Paypal, immediate delivery ..
here for more info on Keys to the Bible
Code has over 55 high-quality matrices and 10
geographic maps. 243 pages in oversize 7.3" x 9.3"
book size, trade papercover. Written by Barry Steven Roffman.
Retail price is $17.95 + shipping.
price 40% off: $10.75 +
with credit card direct (all)
it possible that the Ark has been found using the Bible codes?
Ark Code is a fascinating read about locating the Ark of
the Covenant using the Bible code. Barry Roffman pioneers the
unique concept of actual ELS maps encoded in the Bible code. Not
just any sort of encoded maps, but maps focused on locating the
precise position of the long-lost Ark of the Covenant - maps
that use our modern lattitude-longitude grid system. If the maps
encoded do result in the recovery of the Ark, the impact on
science, religion and geopolitics could be earth-shaking.
Excellent critical analysis of other sites for the Ark.
Ark Code, Barry explores many of the stories and myths on
where the Ark might be located, and then shows redundant ELS
maps in the codes to pinpoint where he believes the prophet
Jeremiah hid it 2,600 year ago.
info page for Ark Code book, International orders
the Fallen Ones
Walter Keith York. 315 pages with advanced Bible code
+ shipping, 30% off price (retail $14.95 +
with credit card direct (all)
McDonald and his wife Rachael were stunned by the turn of
events. Wrested from their well-to-do world, they were beguiled
into participating in a secret black government project
that would forever change their lives. That was the cause for
the change; that was the cause of their encounter with these
modern end-times Nephilim.
were the Nephilim and their hired-gun scientists peering into
past and future events through the Bible code? It all became
apparent very quickly.
ancient Nephilim, mentioned in biblical ante-deluvian times and
in ancient Greek mythology, were physical giants. They were the
mighty men of renown due to their size and aggressiveness.
Banned from the earth, they've found a way to return; and
although not physical giants this time, their aggressive ways
are the same as in ancient times.
York weaves real cutting-edge Bible code matrices using all
phrases and sentences in the storyline, to reveal both the
ancient and end-times Nephilim. NEPHILIM: the Fallen Ones
is a story of good versus evil . . . of love lost and restored .
. . of a secret government project gone awry.
info, Illustrations, Reviews, International orders
Codes Breakthrough: Amazing
Matrices and How-To Guide, by
Moshe Aharon Shak
Codes Breakthrough is an excellent 202 page book, with the
first half being a practical How-To guide on how to do valid
Bible code matrices. The second half is filled with many
fascinating matrices at a much higher level of statistical
significance than other books on the Bible codes. The 24-letter
term on the cover is the main term for Moshe's 10-Commandments
matrix. That ought to give you a hint at the level of codes work
Moshe produces.
the matrices, illustrations and pictures are in full color. We
are making the book available as a PDF eBook, precisely because
we can offer it in full color at a modest price of $8.95, while
a book like this printed in full color would be $30.00 or more.
There are over 100 matrices in the book with accompanying tables
and full explanations. Frankly, there is far more substance in
this book than in Michael Drosnin's books and other Bible code
books. After purchase, you will receive a download e-mail with a
link to download the book (8.2 mb in size because of all the
color matrices). You'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
program to view the eBook. Moshe Aharon Shak is an Orthodox Jew
who approaches the Bible code from a traditional perspective.
using Paypal
If you buy using Paypal, you'll receive the download e-mail
within 15 minutes.)
info page..


Millennium Edition is the world's #1 ranked codes program
an immediate download (using Paypal purchase option).
Version 1.23
is optimized for Vista and Win 7 & 8 (32&64-bit), works
also with Win 98 to XP, and has a new Tutorial.
in capability, CodeFinder:
Millennium Edition allows
the user to enter unlimited words and phrases (limited only by
ram), searches for all terms, and then automatically does terms
matching to find the best matrix. Matrix filter capability and
feature allowing lengthy terms with spaces between words while
searching as a continuous string.
It has a very good bilingual Hebrew-English dictionary for
entering search terms without typing. Loaded with advanced
functions, it reduces what used to take hours to a few minutes.
it to find your name in the Bible code, and investigate
past/present/future events.
top codes researchers use CodeFinder: Millennium Edition for
their work. It has the Koren edition Torah and Tanach plus
English texts for practice purposes. Great matrix display with
complete user modification capability, plus you can save the
matrix as a graphic, save the matrix report, or print directly.

ME as an immediate Download using Paypal for $57.95.
Immediate download with a followup download e-mail sent to you
after you pay. Burn the downloaded file to a DVD/CD for
permanent backup. Paypal accepts all credit cards.
for more program information
Bible code is a fascinating area of research, that shows
accuracy of the Torah and Tanach handed down to us from ancient
times. You can find a matrix on yourself or your family, see
modern and historical events encoded, and quite possibly do
accurate matrices on the future.
is the Bible code? It is the large-scale clustering effect of
topically related words and phrases in a small area that
describes the topic; whether it be a person, event, or thing.
the best codes software, one can now do as much in an hour
today, as a dedicated scholar might have done in a year, by
hand, in olden times. Yes, there are critics, but the results
speak for themselves.
a person with absolutely no knowledge of Hebrew be able to do
credible Bible codes research and get good results? Yes, since
the software does most of the work. However, knowledge of Hebrew
helps and a person can learn as they go. What a wonderful hobby
and a means to learn more of and appreciate the Bible God has
given to us.

From the Torah/Tanach, a new Research Area of Musical Encoding
in the Hebrew Scriptures. Program Enables You to Play and Record
Your Music. Now
only available here as a Download
assigment capability for notes, many musical instruments and
voice effects (over 125), measure, beat, and save as a MIDI
file. Dynamic text allows you to read and view the text as
played in both Hebrew and English translation. This software
allows the user to prepare, play and record the text of the
Torah/Tanach or Bible as music. The encoded music may increase
your sense of well being, as well as lifting your soul to higher
believe that there is musical encoding in the Hebrew Torah and
Tanach, just as there is a Bible code with words, and number
encoding using theomatics/gematria. Be a part of this exciting
and fun research area.
by the same company that built the world's number 1 Bible codes
program, CodeFinder: Millennium Edition. This is a completely
new area of research, of musical encoding in the Hebrew texts.
requires absolutely no knowledge of Hebrew.
more you know about music, the better will be your results. For
a PC with Windows 98 to XP & Vista (works with both Vista-32
and Vista-64 bit) and Windows 7. Use the Paypal option for
immediate download (credit card direct purchase is delayed to
manually process the order).
Music From The Torah here as an immediate download
more information and graphics click here