The World's #1 ranked Bible code program; it brings the latest codes advancements to everyone.

In the Bible codes, the software you use will greatly affect the results you can achieve. Advanced functionality makes everything easier. What used to takes many hours only 10 years ago, now can be done in a few minutes. Besides being the most advanced codes software, CodeFinder: Millennium Edition is also the fastest codes program in existence. Windows 98-ME-NT4-2000-XP-Vista-Win 7 & 8. New version 1.23 is optimized for Windows 7&8 (both 32 and 64-bit) and.

Immediate Download-only version available for $57.95

Version 1.23 features:

1. Actual/expected numbers in search results. (in Search Results pane)
2. Faster import.
3. Matching may be faster.
4. Faster display of cached results.
5. Extra movable separator bar between search list and seach results. (can resize the two panes in the main screen)
6. The search results instantly displays any changes that are made in the search list.
7. There is now no limitation on the number of search terms that can be entered, only the computer available ram memory limits it now.
8. Spaces in terms. (this is a huge change, since it allows your Hebrew terms that are multi-word to have spaces between the words in Hebrew while still searching as if it were a long continuous string. The changes show throughout the program).
9. The program calculates the matrix odds automatically and shows the odds in the matrix report. A few extra lines have been added in the summary at the bottom of the matrix; where it now shows total R-value and the matrix odds. An excellent new capability.
10. Alternating Word Highlighting (AWH) makes the surface text in the matrix alternate the words in black and gray so that one can easily recognize the surface text words in the matrix. To turn AWH on and off, a new menu selection called "Word Highlight" is under the Options menu. This works very well and is an excellent new function.
11. Onscreen keyboard has space bar to type in terms with spaces between words.
12. Changing the ELS range in Settings automatically changes the ELS range From--To: on the Main screen.
13. New HELP system that works with Windows VISTA.
14. Allows to delete ELS +1 from search range with easy menu selection.
15. Optimized for Windows VISTA and Windows 7.
16. All new Tutorial with new step by step Lessons. Includes Peshitta Aramaic Grammar section and more.
  • extensive bilingual Hebrew-English dictionary, user modifiable

  • automatic terms matching, with unlimited words & phrases

  • find the "best" matrix tools, including "matrix filter"

  • Koren edition Torah & Tanach, most accurate Hebrew Bible texts.

  • comes with English KJV for codes practice to learn the program in English

  • comes with electronically scrambled Torah and Tanach if you want to statistically compare randomized text results to the Torah and Tanach results.

  • allows the user to toggle the search list and search results list from Hebrew to English and back again

  • tooltip box in matrix, allows user to click on a marked letter and see the term in English and Hebrew

  • user modification of fonts and many functions

  • ergonomically designed for ease of use, and command module design

  • statistical tools and automatic statistical calculation

  • the only program in existence that allows codes research in straight text searches and wrapped or toroidal searches

  • export search results to save your work and pick up at the same spot on another day

  • outstanding matrix display

  • the best and most comprehensive matrix report anywhere, selectable with a click

  • comes with Hebrew virtual onscreen keyboard

  • has Genesis in Hebrew as a search text, along with Hebrew War & Peace shortened to Genesis' length

  • comes with Greek textus receptus NT for those who want to investigate the Greek NT for codes

  • Greek-English bilingual dictionary

  • Greek virtual onscreen keyboard

  • Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/VISTA/Win 7&8

  • requires 20 mb of hardrive space

  • 32 mb of free ram minimum, works best with 500 mb ram memory or more.

  • monitor setting to 800x600 minimum

  • New optional search texts in Hebrew, Peshitta Aramaic NT, and Greek NT available for purchase separately by those who want to specialize their research.

Consider the following hints of the Bible code in the text of the scriptures:

"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."
-- Daniel 12:4 (NASB)

"And he said, "Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. "
-- Daniel 12:9 (NASB)

"I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."
-- Matthew 5:18 (NIV)

"Happy is the man who findeth wisdom, and the man who getteth understanding."
-- Proverbs 3:13 (KJV)

"Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."
-- Psalm 139:16 (NASB)

Buy CodeFinder: ME as an immediate Download using Paypal for $57.95 Immediate download with a followup download e-mail sent to you after you pay. Complete program, 18.2mb in zipped format. Burn the downloaded file to a DVD/CD for a permanent backup.

In the above graphic, I am showing the toggling of the left column from Hebrew to English; showing the tooltip box in the matrix; and showing the matrix report at the bottom of the matrix. Reduced size to load the graphic quicker.

Click on this link to see full-size graphics in the above animation (still screenshots not animated).

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