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by Roy A. Reinhold The article on the Prophecy Implications of the Bible Codes has raised a storm of controversy. Many people have e-mailed this author, showing great anger and indignation, that I would be so presumptuous in publishing the dates for the major events of prophecy (except for the rapture). I will show you scripturally why your anger is misplaced, and you've misunderstood the warning, "no one knows the day or hour," but first re-read what I wrote. If, if, if, if and only if the Bible Codes are correct in citing the year 5766 as the time when the world war occurs, then from my table of dates, World War 3 will start immediately after the abomination of desolation in the Temple on 31 January/1 February 2006. That means working backwards, the peace treaty of prophecy will occur on 19/20 September 2002. That also means that Jesus will come to reign on the earth 1290 days after the abomination of desolation on 13/14 August 2009. The fulfillment of prophecy of Yom Kippur will occur on 27/28 September 2009, and the fulfillment of Succoth after the judgment of the peoples of the earth will occur on 2/3 October 2009 and run for 8 days. October 2001 The above article analysis was written in 1997 and slightly revised in 1998. Since then, we've developed far more extensive Bible code matrices on the subject (most not yet made public). These more advanced matrices show that the Second Coming likely in the fall of 2010, leading to WW3 in Jan/Feb 2007. Notice that nowhere did I state a date for the catching away of believers, commonly called the rapture. It is apparent in the scriptures that the rapture is exactly what Yeshua (Jesus) was talking about when He warned His disciples that "no one knows the day or hour." The scriptures of warning are Matthew 24:36-37, and Mark 13:32-33.
What exactly was Yeshua (Jesus) talking about when He made the statement, "no one will know the day or hour of the appointed time? If we go back to the beginning of the Olivet Discourse, we will begin to get the picture.
Yeshua was asked two things, what will be the sign preceding your coming, and the signs of the end of the age. He proceeded to walk them through the signs of tribulation, a falling away from the faith, false prophets, wars, lawlessness, the gospel preached in every nation, the abomination of desolation, false messiahs, a great tribulation and much more. However, what was THE SIGN that He taught which would precede His coming? It's in Matthew 24:29-31, Mark 13:24-27, and Luke 21:25-27. We'll take a look at the text in Matthew 24.
The reason you are angry is that you have misunderstood, what coming of Yeshua, and the end of what age, was spoken about. The coming of Yeshua above is the catching away of believers in the rapture. Both the pre-tribulations and post-tribulationists have had only a partial understanding of the rapture scriptures, and it is the pre-wrath view which supplants both views. Notice that the 6th Seal signs in the sun, moon, and stars, as taught in Matthew 24:29 is the same as Revelation 6:12-17. We will get to that 6th Seal sign, but first you need to see that the coming as announced in the Matthew 24:29-31 text is speaking of the rapture, the catching away of believers. How is the rapture explained in other texts? Take a look at 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
This is exactly what is taught in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24:29-31, the elect will be gathered in the sky. The end of the age Yeshua (Jesus) was talking about in the Olivet Discourse was the end of the church age; and His coming is the catching away of believers in the rapture. The plain text of the scriptures announce that coming. It's only because people have twisted the scriptures that they neglect the literal teaching of Yeshua. He stopped the Olivet Discourse signs after revealing the rapture, leaving off the terrible judgments in the Day of the Lord which follow the rapture, and are the 7 trumpet judgments and 7 bowl judgments of Revelations. Do we see the raptured believers in the sequence of Revelations? Yes, the 6th Seal signs are shown first.
The 6th Seal signs in the sun, moon, and stars are the same as in Matthew 24:29. In that verse we read that immediately after the tribulation of those days, then the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall. The 6th Seal signs are the major sign Yeshua was talking about which would precede His coming in the rapture, and in Revelation 6:16-17, we are told that after the 6th Seal signs, then the wrath of God begins. Notice that the rapture is shown right after the 6th Seal signs, in Revelation 7:9-17.
In the Matthew 24:29-31 text, we see the sequence, first the 6th Seal signs in the sun, moon, and stars. Then, Yeshua comes and is seen by all of the earth. Then, believers are caught up into the clouds and are gathered in the clouds by the angels. In Revelations, we see the same sequence, first the 6th Seal signs in Revelation 6:12-17. Then, we see the caught up ones in Revelation 7:9-17, the raptured ones, in heaven, and we are told that they come out of the great tribulation. The rapture will take place immediately after the tribulation of those days, which is the Tribulation plus the Great Tribulation. Post-trib adherents are wrong in that the rapture, at the end of the Olivet Discourse, is not the end of the end-times 7 year period. After the rapture comes the Day of the Lord, a period of times which contains the trumpet and bowl judgments and is also called elsewhere the Day of Wrath This is a short explanation and I wrote an entire book, THE DAY OF THE LORD: PROPHECY REVEALED, to explain all the pre-wrath evidence. The clear and literal scriptures teach the pre-wrath rapture, and if pre-trib and post-trib adherents would just search the scriptures and see when the Day of the Lord begins and ends, then they would quickly become pre-wrath rapture believers. In summary, any reputable prophecy teacher will tell you that if you knew the date of the peace treaty of prophecy, then you could calculate the date of the abomination of desolation and the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus) to reign on the earth. Likewise, if they knew the date of the abomination of desolation or the second coming, they could calculate all the other dates cited. The only date for which we do not know the day or hour is the catching away of believers in the rapture!!! So, your anger is misplaced if you think it is not possible to calculate the date for the peace treaty of prophecy, the abomination of desolation, the second coming of Yeshua, and the judgment of the peoples of the earth on Yom Kippur. Examine the scriptures, pray about it, and you will clearly see that the article, Prophecy Implications of the Bible Code, did not violate the scriptures. May God my Father open your heart and mind to a greater understanding of His Word!! |