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Do I condemn those who mislead believers, no I don't! In fact I pray for them that God our Father would correct their teaching and give them supernatural wisdom in understanding the scriptures. After all, any believer can change their understanding if they've been shown the truth by the Holy Spirit and by the scriptures. In a previous article on this site titled, the Day of the Lord (Yom YHWH), we laid out some of the proofs that showed that the Day of the Lord came after the Great Tribulation period, and after the rapture of the church. In this article, we'll see that the Day of the Lord includes the 7 Trumpet Judgments, the 7 Bowl Judgments, the Second Coming of Jesus, and the forcible overthrow of the armies and governments of the earth as the kingdom of God is established. Before reading this article, read the prior one on the Day of the Lord so that you'll have a firm grasp that the Day of the Lord is not the 7 year end-times period, and it is not the millennium. The three versions of the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13, & Luke 21) show the rapture in very clear language and it is only because it has been twisted by others, has it been misunderstood. For example, the rapture is shown in the following text from Matthew 24, at the end of the Great Tribulation.
The sequence of the verses above show that in the middle of the end-times 7 year period, an abomination of desolation will be performed in a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. AFTER the abomination of desolation comes a period of time called the Great Tribulation period. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION, which is made up of the end-times Tribulation and Great Tribulation periods, a series of events happens. The sixth seal events occurs, where the sun is darkened, the moon does not give its light, and the stars fall. AFTER the 6th Seal events there is no secret rapture, but a clear coming of Jesus and His Angels, where all the tribes of the earth mourn. They mourn because the preaching of the Bible will have been clearly shown to be correct as Jesus returns for believers. Notice that Jesus comes on the clouds in power and great glory, not to the Mount of Olives where other scriptures say He will appear at His Second Coming. The scripture text also clearly states that the Elect are gathered from the clouds around the world by the Angels. At the Second Coming, Jesus appears at the Mount of Olives and goes across the Kidron Valley to the Temple, and from there He acts to destroy the armies of the earth which attack Him and Israel. No, it couldn't be clearer that the text from Matthew 24 delineates the gathering of believers in the sky at the rapture. Post-Tribulationists point to this scripture and others to prove that Jesus raptures the church at the end of the Great Tribulation period. However, their mistake like the pre-tribulationists is that they have only a partial picture of prophecy which causes them to make faulty assumptions. Both the pre-trib and post-trib rapture adherents falsely assume that the end-times 7 year period is called the Tribulation; because they don't fully realize that the Day of the Lord period starts after the 6th Seal signs of Revelation 6. Neither the pre-trib nor the post-trib positions can stand before the whole picture of scriptural prophecy as shown in the pre-wrath rapture. Jesus ended the Olivet Discourse at the rapture, since that is where the New Testament church age ends! So are the 6th Seal signs of Revelation 6, the beginning of the wrath of God? Well take a look and decide for yourself.
The sixth seal signs of the sun black as sackcloth, the moon not shining, and the stars falling are the same things cited in Matthew 24:30. However, from Revelation 6:16-17, we see that it is also the beginning of a period of time called the wrath of God. In Zephaniah 1:14-16, we clearly are told that the Day of the Lord is the period of time called the wrath of God. The scriptures teach that the wrath of God is the Day of the Lord, and teach that the 6th Seal signs in the sun, moon, and stars happens at the end of the Great Tribulation period. But you may ask, "Are there other examples?" Yes, there are many, here are two.
Both of the above texts point out the proximity of the signs in the sun, moon, and stars to the coming of Jesus in the clouds. In the Luke text, people often mistake the reference to straightening up and lifting your head, to the beginning of the signs in the chapter and thus to the entire 7 year end-times period. However, it will look foolish for believers to stand around for years with their faces lifted to the skies. The truth is that very day when the signs in the sun, moon, and stars occur, Jesus is coming to catch up believers in the rapture. That day, when the dead in Christ will be raised and those alive on the earth are changed instantly into their immortal bodies and caught up into the clouds to be with Christ in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). The clear composite picture of prophecy is that the 6th Seal signs in the sun, moon, and stars happens at the end of the Great Tribulation period. Then the rapture takes place, after which the Day of the Lord begins, that period of the wrath of Him who sits on the throne in heaven and the wrath of the Lamb. So what happens during the Day of the Lord, and how long does the Day of the Lord last? The sequence of events is spelled out sequentially in the book of Revelations. The 6th Seal signs are in Revelation 6, followed by the sealing of the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel in Revelation 7. At the end of Revelation 7, the great multitude which no one could count are seen in heaven with white robes washed in the blood of the Lamb. John is told that these came out of the Great Tribulation. In Revelation 8, we are told that there was silence in heaven for a half an hour when the 7th Seal is broken and then the 7 Trumpet Judgments of the wrath of God begin. The 7 Trumpet Judgments occur during the Days of Awe or 10 Days of Repentance, when all the people of the earth, left over after the judgment of the righteous, are remanded over for future judgment and have a specified period for repentance and to gain righteousness. Take a look at the article, WHY THE FULFILLMENT OF ROSH HASHANAH IS THE RAPTURE on this site, for further proofs for the Jewish feasts as prophecy. Revelations 8-10, covers the first 6 Trumpets which occur during the Day of the Lord, with an increase in severity as they progress. The last three Trumpet Judgments are called the three Woes. Revelation 11 presents the ministry of the Two Witnesses and states that their ministry lasts until just before the 7th Trumpet Judgment. The 7th Trumpet Judgment ushers in the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth when He reigns in power.
Clearly the 7th Trumpet Judgment is the Second Coming, and likewise, clearly the 1260 day ministry of the Two Witnesses ends just before the 7th Trumpet Judgment. I don't know why there are false teachings on this matter, saying that the ministry of the Two Witnesses ends at the abomination of desolation in the middle of the end-times 7 year period. It couldn't be clearer from the plain, straightforward reading of scripture, that the ministry of the Two Witnesses begins at the time of the abomination of desolation and ends just prior to the Second Coming. After all, God our Father is merciful even in judgment and has provided for powerful witnesses of God during the terrible times of the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Getting back to the time length of the Day of the Lord, we know it is at least a year. Why?, because we know that just one Trumpet Judgment, the fifth in Revelation 9:5, lasts for 5 months. Considering that all the Trumpet Judgments are sequential, then it stands to reason that they take at least a year. Also, we know that the rapture will take place on Rosh Hashanah, the 1st day of the 7th month, and we know that the end of the Day of the Lord is just before the prophetic fulfillment of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, on the 10th day of the 7th month. So, we know that the Day of the Lord length is either one year, two years, or three years in length. Deductively, we know that the Day of the Lord cannot be 3 years in length from the events which must occur during the Great Tribulation. Therefore, the Day of the Lord is either one year or two years in length. [The details required to reach the above conclusions are covered in others articles on this site, and to retain some brevity, are not repeated here]. While I have no proof or knowledge of whether the Day of the Lord is 1 or 2 years in length, the concept of a day for a year used elsewhere in scripture has some merit. Using that day for a year hypothesis, then the Day of the Lord is a year in length, resulting in the conclusion that the Great Tribulation is 2.5 years in length. As a Christian, I prefer to hope for a shorter length in the Great Tribulation period and a longer period for the Day of the Lord, however, God my Father has appointed the times and my opinion of it has no value. How long a period of time is it between the abomination of desolation in the middle of the 7 year end-times period, and the Second Coming of Jesus? If you said 1260 days, you are wrong. Take a look at Daniel 12.
The scripture foretells a significant event at 1290 days not 1260 days. The context of the chapter is identified in Daniel 12:1, where the focus is the rescuing of the Jewish people. The Messiah will come to rescue the Jewish people as foretold throughout the Old Testament. In Zechariah 12 & 14, we are told that He will rescue Judah first before Jerusalem. His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and He will be King over all the earth. The Second Coming is exactly 1290 days after the abomination of desolation in the middle of the 7 year period. What then is the significance of the 1335 days? The 1335 days after the abomination of desolation in the middle of the end-times 7 year period is the fulfillment of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Ezekiel 34-37 tells the story. The Messiah will come and judge between the fat and lean sheep. He will forgive their iniquities, and take the stick of Judah and the stick of Israel and combine them into one stick in His hand, and the Messiah will rule over them. The fulfillment of Yom Kippur is the forgiveness of their sins and the blessing of the Messiah in their midst forever. What about the 7 Bowl Judgments? If the 7 Trumpet Judgments occur between the end of the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming, then when do the 7 Bowl Judgments occur? Past teachers of prophecy have complicated prophetic charts, where they purport to show that the 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls are the same thing because of some similarities, but they do so by ignoring the severity of the Bowl Judgments. The 7 Bowl Judgments are much more severe than the 7 Trumpet Judgments. Also, the scriptures in Revelations show a sequential occurrence, with the Bowl Judgments taking place after the Trumpet Judgments. The answer to the above questions is that the 7 Bowl Judgments occur after the Second Coming and before the prophetic fulfillment of Yom Kippur. In Revelation 14, we are told of the wine press of God's wrath. The 7 Bowl Judgments are the Wine of the Wrath of God. If you read Revelation 16 where the Bowl Judgments are delineated, you'll see that the sea, the rivers, and the springs are all turned to blood. No one could live very long without water to drink, so common sense tells you that the 7 Bowl Judgments are severe, but don't last long. Probably no more than 30 days of the 45 days between the 1290 days and the 1335 days.
It is prophesied that the wine of the wrath of God, the 7 Bowl Judgments, is the full anger of God poured out on those who worship the beast and who took the mark of the beast, 666. Significantly, the verse also says that this wine of the wrath of God is poured out in the presence of the Angels and the Lamb of God, Jesus our Messiah. Unlike the Trumpet Judgments which occur while the Messiah is in heaven, He will be on the earth when these Bowl Judgments are poured out. The last day of the Day of the Lord is after the 7 Bowl Judgments are poured out and when every army and government is suddenly overthrown in one 24-hour day. This special day is not the Second Coming, but is after the Bowl Judgments. It is called the great day of God, the Almighty.
Jesus our Messiah is coming back to reign on the earth 1290 days after the abomination of desolation, however, He personally is on the earth during the 7 Bowl Judgments and doesn't smash all opposition until the last day of the Day of the Lord, called the great day of God, the Almighty. We estimate that the Day of the Lord continues no more than 30 days after the second coming, because we know that the remaining people of the earth are brought to Jerusalem by the 10th day of the 7th month, when the prophetic fulfillment of Yom Kippur takes place. So, 45 days minus 30 days leaves about 2 weeks for the people of the earth to be brought to Jerusalem. In the book of Isaiah, we are told that a far off nation will bring the remnants of the Jewish people on ships with gold and offerings to the Messiah. I take this to mean the United States. Why the US? In the United States we have over 7 million of the approximately 15 million Jewish people of the earth. While there are Jewish populations in Argentina, Canada, Brazil and other places, they don't even add up to the numbers of Jewish people in New York City. So in my mind, the prophecy in Isaiah 60:9, where the coastlands who are waiting for the Messiah will bring the Jewish people to Jerusalem in ships and bring gold and silver as an offering to the Messiah; this nation is the United States. Upon reading this article, if you are not a believer, you can get eternal salvation very easily. There is a short article on this site called Eternal Salvation, that walks you through the process and has a prayer at the end you can pray to receive God's salvation. There is no reason why anyone has to go through the terrible times of the Day of the Lord. Take a chance and go to the Eternal Salvation page, you'll never regret it. Vision of General George Washington |