Lessons Learned on Life Matrixes
in the Bible Code: part 2
by Roy A. Reinhold

We continue on with the life matrix of Sid Roth, with a small tight cluster about his daughter Leigh's marriage to Greg. Leigh was given a Hebrew name at birth, Leah. Both Leigh and Leah are in the cluster along with son-in-law, Greg, daughter, and married.

I thought it was nice looking to see 4 occurrences of "khatan" which means son-in-law (or groom) all in a horizontal line of 15 letters in length on top. Yes, the words are short in this cluster, but the cluster itself is very small. I might have looked for the date of their marriage in this cluster too, if I had known it. The marriage cluster doesn't add to our lessons, but is helpful to see visually.

The next cluster is one that has Sid's wife's first, middle, and maiden name (Joyce Thurley Young) all crossing. We look for terms either crossing or closely parallel to be significant. If this were all randomness, then you wouldn't expect to find the names all together and crossing.

The matrix segment below will suffice to show clusters 4, 5, and 6. Cluster 4 is about Joyce his wife, and those terms are shown using orange-colored lines.

Lesson number 6 is that the significance of a cluster is seen by terms crossing, or in close proximity. The size of the cluster also adds meaning. Remember, our working definition of the Bible code is the existence of large clusters of related words in close proximity. I think that this significance is better seen visually, as in the clusters within the Sid Roth life matrix.

You've seen books on the Bible code by a number of people, and in some, they do not have the 2D matrix made up of rows and columns. They just show a list of words in the same general area of the Bible. That can be very misleading to people (and I am not saying the authors misled people). The reason it can be misleading is that related words in the matrix can be randomly spread around the matrix, which has little significance. You would never know if the related terms formed a cluster unless you see it visually in a matrix. In this way, someone can hoax a matrix by claiming terms found in a small area of text, but it can be less significant than claimed, when viewed in a matrix visually. Lesson 7 is that the Bible code is designed to be viewed visually, reading the words horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The ability to read terms visually places an additional constraint on the process, because to be displayed in that manner, each one has narrow parameters. A diagonal term must be plus or minus a small amount in order to be easily read visually.

Cluster 5 in the Sid Roth life matrix shows the Messianic Vision radio program, and the date it began. The terms for cluster 5 are shown in the matrix GIF above in light blue-green lines, while the terms themselves are listed below.

The two terms Messianic and Vision in the lower left with blue lines are parallel and very close together. The term for the year it started also parallels those two terms, and the month the show began is horizontal right next to the top letter of the year term. Crossing all of these is the term "hatkhalah" which means start or beginning.

Cluster 6 is right next to the cluster on the start of the Messianic Vision radio show on the left side, and is about the start of the TV show, It's Supernatural. The terms for It's Supernatural are show below and in the matrix above with the red-wine-colored lines.

Lesson number 8 is that a term can be used in more than one cluster, if it crosses both clusters. If you look at the 2D matrix array above, you'll see that the term "hatkhalah" meaning beginning or start, crosses through both cluster 5 and cluster 6. In both clusters, "hatkhalah" crosses the year terms for the start of the radio show, Messianic Vision, and the start of the TV show, It's Supernatural. I wouldn't be surprised to find other clusters in the matrix along this same term, hatkhalah, where something else began in Sid's life.

In cluster 6, I show the name of the TV show, along with two occurrences of the year it began, 1996, and the month, June. The dates are in the Jewish calendar, so it is shown as Sivan, 5756. One might expect to find more terms than shown about the TV show in the cluster sub-area of the matrix. That is left to Sid or to anyone else that wants to look.

Sid wrote a book titled, They Thought For Themselves, and it too is shown in the matrix. As you can see in the terms list below, I added the two short terms manually, by looking in the matrix visually. I find it easier that way than to use the program where it would find many occurrences of the same short term in the matrix.

The terms for cluster 7 are shown using yellowish-gold lines. The last letter of "sofer" for writer/author is cut off in order to keep the matrix GIF smaller in size. I didn't look for the date the book was published, because I was not given that information. It might also be interesting to look for the name of the publisher in the cluster sub-area of the matrix. Those are just ideas for additional terms that one could look for in a very small area of the matrix.

Cluster 7 brings up another point, that one has to try different ways to break up a phrase when looking in the matrix. You could look first for the entire title of the book as one term, "hem khasheevah lehem atsmam", but are unlikely to find it. I chose to look for the two longer words in the book title as separate terms that were visually close together, and then add the two short words in the title manually. The same thing occurred in cluster 6 with the title of the TV show, It's Supernatural, or "zeh al-teev'ee". First I looked for "al-teev'ee" as a term. Then I separated it by "zeh al" and "teev'ee". That is the way it was found. Lesson 9 is that you have to sometimes try to break up a longer phrase in different ways to find it in the matrix. Not breaking up words themselves, but a phrase made up of a number of words.

That's enough for this page, we'll continue with the last portion of the matrix and the summary of all Lessons Learned in part 3.

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